Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Political Bio

This Bio contains information pertaining to my political ideology as well as foundations that should primarily be taken into consideration to ensure the most adequate end result for all the people when implementing policies.
I would like to begin with the title I chose to represent this conviction-driven political blog, Apolitical View. This title possesses a double meaning. The title explains what this particular blog shows, political views and ideas, as well as expressing exactly where these ideas are being derived, from a non-political mind. I have not had much formal education in the subject of politics or government, but I engage in conversation where I am able with views and beliefs I have gathered from books such as The Republic by Plato and from the words of Jon Stewart of the Daily Show.
My political Ideology is Liberal leaning towards Socialism. I have a deeply rooted idea of Democracy with the importance of Equality as a strong foundation. Equality brings about Liberty but Liberty does not necessarily bring about Equality. This is not to say that Liberty is not important because it is very important. My family, like most people, has probably been the biggest influence for how/who I tend to vote, which is Democratically. However, I never vote for a candidate I strongly disagree with no matter the party affiliation.
I have had the privilege of voting in two presidential elections. I have also voted in many local and state elections. My political involvement goes as far as actively voting. The case might be, due to a lack of arousal, that I seem to be apathetic to politics and/or government, even with the understanding of how much I am affected by these types of decisions. Could it be the general prioritizing of my generation? Could it be that there was a greater sense of urgency for change 30-50 years ago?
I am taking American Government because I need the credit, but I plan to use this opportunity to better my understanding in the operations of government and perhaps stimulate a sense of duty for more political involvement.