Friday, February 27, 2009

A Bias Opinion Gone Wrong

This article of opinion, An Inconvenient Tax, is referring to President Obama's speech to Joint Session of Congress on February 24th, 2009. The author makes an argument that Obama has placed a veil of illusion over his speech to deceive or distract the public of foreseen tax revenues by stating "95% of working families will not see taxes rise, "not a single dime," the author quotes Obama. The author's focus is on "climate revenues," that can be found in Obama's White House Budget plan. The author posits, "his own budget reveals that taxes will rise for 100% of everyone for the sake of global warming.....White House discloses that it expects $78.7 billion in new tax revenue in 2012 from its cap-and-trade program. The pot of cash grows to $237 billion through 2014, and at least $646 billion through 2019." He goes on to state that this is a tax that the government neglects to mention along with the new plan to keep the jobs available and create more jobs or claim this to even be a "tax." An Inconvenient Tax. The Wall Street Journal. February 27th, 2009.

After reading Obama's speech I feel the author of An Inconvenient Tax was motivated enough to search for anything that might contradict President Obama's ideas for appropriately dealing with this economic crisis. It would seem as if the author's motive stems from difference in ideologies. However, I believe this author to be applying Obama's immediate, short-term responses to economic crisis too far into the future than Obama's budget planned, possibly after crisis is maintained. Obama says in his speech "Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs. More than 90% of these jobs will be in the private sector-." This speech is referring to what this plan will do for working families in America over the next two years, 2009-2010 & 2010-2011. The author of An Inconvenient Tax lists projected tax revenues of Cap and Trade that begin in 2012-2013. Remarks of President Barack Obama. February 24th, 2009.

Friday, February 13, 2009

An Article for Optimism

The article, "What the $787b stimulus would do for consumers," examines what the stimulus package will offer to consumers and how consumers as well as the economy will be affected. The economists made predictions of how effective the stimulus will be for consumers, more specifically unemployed to low-middle income citizens, based on statistics from similar, past situations. As you can tell from the author's statement, "The bankers are getting their bailouts. Now it's your turn," he believes the outlook to be desirable for both sides, the consumer and economy. Robert Gavin & Erin Ailworth. What the 787b Stimulus Would Do For Consumers. The Boston Globe. February 13, 2009.

I believe the content within the article WAS worth reading when it was first proposed by Bank CEO John Allison in September 2008 as a better, more effective idea than proceeding with bank bailouts. Adam Brandon. Bank CEO Explains Why Bailout is a Bad Idea. September 24, 2008. (example Key Points (found in CEO's letter), paragraph 5)