Friday, March 27, 2009

Politics Can Wait, This is Blogging

Located in the Real Clear Politics blog, the headlining article, "More Non Journalism From Huffpo," Tom Bevan. More Non Journalism From Huffpo. Real Clear Politics Blog. March 27, 2009. is attempting to expose the Huffington Post for being a website that lacks professional journalistic skills required to determine level of importance within the forever active world of politics. The author of this blog, Tom Bevan, references a specific writer from the Huffington Post, Ryan Grim, of having two articles that fall short of the political mark. Not only does this author think Grim fails to speak about big news in politics, but that Grim distorts his information when covering stories.

The author shares an example of one of Grim's articles that discuss the context of a debate over a budget idea between two senators. The main idea of Grim's article was driven by a comment made by Sen. Grassley of Iowa directed towards Sen. Conrad of North Dakota. Grim wrote about the comment as if Sen. Grassley was inappropriately talking about Sen. Conrad's wife during a public debate. In fact, Tom Bevan, shows the origin of this comment and claims Grim misunderstood the context of the comment. Tom Bevan expresses that the Huffington Post can only find time to write about tabloid-like articles to captivate an audience. He posits, "It's not like it was a terribly slow news day, either...I guess those subjects just aren't "sexy" enough for the Huffington Post."

I feel Tom Bevan could not be more hypocritical. With such an eventful day in politics, Bevan can still find time and space to talk badly about the journalism at Huffington Post. Not only is Bevan displaying hypocrisy as he is presenting his article, but I feel he is also doing a poor job of bringing down Ryan Grim's ability to write about politics. One of the examples Bevan uses to breakdown Grim's journalism is the exposing of Eric Cantor's whereabouts during President Obama's presser. Bevan makes the comment, "as if members of Congress have some Constitutional obligation to watch the president in prime time." Well as an important representative of the Republican Party acting as the Minority Whip, I agree with Grim that Eric Cantor being at a Britany Spears concert instead of Obama's presser is political news. However, Bevan's choice of journalism to talk badly about another political blog website has no place in political news, let alone as a headliner.